About us

Sabine Nonhebel , a trained simultaneous interpreter and translator herself, is the head of sim-phonie and, together with her team, she provides the interpretation of conferences and meetings, the translation of documents and the provision of communication and presentation training. In doing so, she works together with a network of expert colleagues who exhibit the utmost professionalism. She is personally familiar with the service provided by each and every one of them, meaning she is well positioned to assess their service quality and deploy them in a targeted manner.

sim-phonie is domiciled in Biel/Bienne and has offices in Berne and Neuchâtel.

Laure Hoffmeyer, Managing Director of our partner office Versions Originales, navigates her ship through both calm and stormy waters with a steady hand. She and her team have a stylistically confident command of all the techniques required to provide their clients with shipshape translations.

Laure Hoffmeyer, Geschäftsleiterin unseres Partnerbüros Versions Originales, ist bei uns verantwortlich für die schriftlichen Übersetzungen ins Französische. Sie navigiert ihr Schiff mit ruhiger Hand durch sonnige und stürmische Zeiten. Stilsicher beherrschen sie und ihr Team alle Techniken, um die Aufträge unserer Kundinnen und Kunden souverän ans andere Ufer überzusetzen.


sim-phonie Kommunikation GmbH & BlackPearl Production gehen neue Wege.

In Zusammenarbeit mit BlackPearl Production entstand ein spannendes Projekt: Das erste Dolmetsch-Studio in der Schweiz für die Simultanübersetzung von virtuellen und hybriden Konferenzen.
Hier arbeiten die Simultandolmetscher-innen störungsfrei und voll konzentriert in hellen, schallisolierten Dolmetscherkabinen, ausgestattet mit modernster online-Technik.

Die Teilnehmenden Ihrer Sitzungen und Konferenzen hören den Unterschied und werden es zu schätzen wissen.

Für Ihre Sicherheit. Und die Ihrer Daten.

Business philosophy

I attach great importance to personal contact and trust as well as precision and security.

At sim-phonie, we work according to the principle of collegiality and of course pay our staff the same rates for the same work irrespective of any other factors.

For quality, this means that I can be sure of the qualifications, reliability, trustworthiness and motivation of my colleagues and can invariably deploy the most suitable specialists.

For you, this means that you can rely on consistently high-quality services and motivated staff, pay the best possible price for an optimal service and count on us at all times. We charge no agency fees.

However, being really good is sometimes no longer good enough: it is for this reason that I work on the Board of the Swiss professional association ASTTI and also dedicate myself to promoting the development of young prospective translators and interpreters.

For my own satisfaction.
For the best possible results.
For everyone who reads or listens to our work every day.

Would you like to know how this could work for you and what it might cost? Get in touch!